Sunday, December 12, 2010

Holiday giftwrapping tip 6: work with what you've got

For those trying to keep the holidays sustainable, here's a way to dress up the classic brown paper package tied up with string.

- brown paper bag
- string or twine
- a little sprig of pine. This one is artificial, but in a bind, you can cut a bit of the tree when nobody's looking.
- a bit of ribbon
- a little ornament (in this case, a jingle bell)
- double-sided tape
- super-sharp scissors

- Wrap your gift (use a box!) using the brown paper. Don't worry about the wrinkles or folds.
- Wind the string around the box several times, criss-crossing, if you like.
- Tie your pine sprig and ornament to the string in the middle.
- Finish with ribbon

That's it! Happy (sustainable) holidays!

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